Wednesday 3 September 2014

PERSONAL POST: Being a girl....

I am a rubbish girl. I know i'm not the only one, because I have awesome friends who are also rubbish girls, but if i'm honest, when i'm around women, I always feel inadequate in the extreme. I had a rather tumultuous upbringing, where stuff such as learning about shaving, eyebrows, boobs and periods weren't particularly on the agenda, I was lucky if I had a bed to sleep in, so I had to wing it as far as learning how to be a lady goes....

So these are things i've currently never ever done

  • Waxed anything - Seriously, nothing, ever, I have seen it on tv and it looks painful though.
  • Had a manicure  - When my nails get too long I just rip them off, rank I know.
  • Had a pedicure - Surely life is too short and money too sparse to waste on that...
  • My bikini line - it doesn't poke out my tiniest of pants, and I can't swim so, I don't bother.
  • Spray Tan - I have tried cheap gradual tans. I'm crap at them. Crap. 
  • Sunbed - When vanity carries a danger of skin cancer, you really need to sort your shit out.
  • Massage - I did have one once for free. I felt too awkward to relax because I was worried for the poor person having to touch a person they didn't know for money. Yes I have issues. 
  • Facial - I had one once, again, I felt guilty of the time being spent on me, and it gave me tons of spots.
  • Used tampons - I know! I used one once and passed out, at 13, so never touched them again.
  • Matching underwear - I have never bought a set, and only recently did I buy a vaguely fancy bra. Some of my knickers i've had since 96 at least. I just don't have that part to me that feels that I have to wear fancy pants, makes me feel like a beef joint wrapped in string. 

So there's my list. That is how crap I am. I can't be alone surely. My mates tell me tales of unshaved legs, hairs on boobs they don't bother getting rid of, farting during it's not just me that is crap at being a woman, but....I look out, wide eyed and scared at the world, and I feel like an alien against all other women.

I hope it's not just me.....there must be others! 

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